Basavanna’s vachana 2 — anka kaLaneri

2 min readJan 11, 2018


If a man who sees unity among all gets into the fighting ring and forgets/refuses to fight, will the opponent not come and hit/defeat him. The same way a mind that forgets you and refuses to think of you, will be led astray by illusion. But soon as a I think of you koodalasangayya, all my sins will melt away like the wax pushed into fire.

(anka) refers to A man who sees no difference between him and his opponent (kaLaneri) gets into the fighting ring and (kaimaredirdade) refuses to fight. Will (maaranka) the opponent, ‘maaranka’ means weapon, that is the wielder of the weapon or the opponent in the ring (maabane) not do, such a thing as to (bandu) come, (irivuda) fight and defeat him.

The same way if (mana) the mind (maredirdade) forgets to or refuses to (nenaha) think of/meditate upon (nimma) you, i.e the personal god “Koodalasangamadeva”. Won’t such a man’s (tanuva) life, tanu literally means body here refers to the physical/material life (maabude) be not made to (anDale) go round and round, become aimless, go astray by (maaye) illusion or enchantment of material things.+

So, to not be defeated by “Maya” and become aimless Basavanna says (nenedade) soon as I think, (Koodalasangayyana) of you Koodalasangayya, (paapa) sins (karaguvudayya) will melt (araginante) like the wax would melt when it is (urigoddi) pushed towards fire. Here the likeness is that the more closer the wax is pushed the more it melts, same way the more one meditates upon his ‘personal god’ the more one becomes stronger to stand against Maya and absolve from sins.

So “what constitutes ‘sin’ in Basavanna’s context?” is it, as said in another vachana-’stealing’, ‘killing’, ‘lying’, ‘getting angry’, ‘self-praise’, ‘insulting others’ or is he referring to ‘sin’ as “the act of refusing/or forgetting to think of the ‘personal god’”. Taking in the context of this vachana the latter holds true, since, it is the sin that is compared to be melting by the ‘act of thinking’. And in the previous lines as mentioned, by ‘not thinking’, i.e by sinning, that the mind is lead astray.

