Basavanna’s vachana 3 — anka mOdidade

2 min readJan 12, 2018


The illusion of opinion is detrimental to service. Let me fight and win. Let me fight and win Koodalasangamadeva, with a pious body, mind and wealth.

(modidade) when the illusion gets formed, of (anka) a point, i.e an opinion. It is (bhangavayya) gets destroyed or it is detrimental (ge) to (tettiga) the servant. (ennanu) let me (kaadi) fight and (gelisayya) win. There is repetition of the same line ‘let me fight and win’.

A fight between ideologies, that is opinions, is detrimental to service. Such a fight is useless. We should not fight with opinion of good and bad. Who is right and who is wrong does not matter. Our aim should be service. Then what are fighting then? Our fight is against this very thing of falling into the ‘illusion of opinion’.

How to approach this fight is told in the next two lines- (kaadi) fight (gelisayya)and let me win (koodalasangamadevayya)the lord koodalasangamadeva with a (vanchaneyillada) pious (tanu) body (mana) mind and (dhana) wealth+

The gist of Basavanna’s vachana here speaks about how the human tendency should be towards service instead of quarrel. By telling what is the true fight for one who wishes to serve the society, the fight is towards being unbiased and to acquire the means or tools for this fight i.e the body, the mind and wealth through pious means, basically this is service.

